Analysis of the chemical composition of Verbascum orientale L. plants by hybrid chromatography

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  • Zh Mukazhanova
  • K Kabdysalym
  • M Nykmukanova
  • B Eskalieva
  • A Beyatli



Currently, special attention is paid to herbal medicinal products in the world. The Republic of Kazakhstan is rich
in plant raw materials needed for natural medicines production. In particular, the East-regional zone of the country determines
the diversity of plant flora. The morphological form and anatomical structure of plants depend on the state and environment of
their growth.
These factors contribute to the different content of mineral and biologically active substances (BAS) in plants. A complete
study of the component composition of plant materials using modern analysis methods allows us to discover new natural
This work presents for the first time the results of a study of a hexane extract of plants of the species Verbascum orientale
L. (Eastern Mullein), belonging to the Scrophulariaceae family (figwort family), collected during the fertility period from the
Eastern region of Kazakhstan by GC – MS (gas chromatographic - mass spectrometry). Six substances were identified from the
plant material Verbascum orientale L.: myristic, palmitic, stearic, palmitoleic, oleic and linoleic acids. The obtained quantitative
results demonstrate high rates: palmitic acid (16.32%) and unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid (43.61%) and oleic acid (12.87%).


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