Vol. 128 No. 3 (2019)
Forming the structure of building materials from four components
Views: 99 / PDF downloads: 73 -
Electrochemical behavior molybdenumin hydrochloric acid solution
Views: 95 / PDF downloads: 73 / PDF downloads: 34 -
Interaction in the Nickel Nitrate – Carbamide – Nitric Acid –System at 25 ◦ С
Views: 108 / PDF downloads: 92 -
Polyvinylidene fluoride as one of the sources of conductive additive for lithium-ion batteries
Views: 168 / PDF downloads: 80 -
Chemical investigation of flavonoids Verbascum Orientalе
Views: 108 / PDF downloads: 83 -
Study of biological activity of some monoterpenes and their derivatives
Views: 97 / PDF downloads: 62 -
Synthesis and identification of bicyclic bisurea esters
Views: 189 / PDF downloads: 81 -
The study of the inhibitory ability of inorganic cyclophosphate compositions
Views: 97 / PDF downloads: 60 -
Sorption and catalytic properties of a composite material based on bentonite clay and polyethylene glycol
Views: 87 / PDF downloads: 122 -
The effects of red light on the formation of iron-organic complexes in natural water
Views: 83 / PDF downloads: 84 -
Theory of neural network based on oppositely charged polyelectrolyte hydrogels
Views: 97 / PDF downloads: 66 -
Physical and chemical characteristics of the catalyst based on ferroalloy production waste
Views: 91 / PDF downloads: 73 -
Getting ecologic nano-fertilizer to Enhance the Plant Growth through Slow and Sustained Release of Nitrogen
Views: 89 / PDF downloads: 97 -
Geographical diversity and changes in foreign trips from Poland in 2009-2018
Views: 87 / PDF downloads: 65