Ecology - Based Environmental Education at the Kazdagi (Mt. Ida) National Park in Turkey

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  • S Abdullah



Aim of this study is to examine and evaluate the ecology - based environmental education program which was applied in years between 2003-2006 Kazdagi National Parks in the Western
Turkey. Ecology - based environmental education aims at using natural and cultural resources of
Kazda ð ı National Park to teach graduate research assistants and scout teachers about the nature.
The expectation is to increase the environmental awareness of participants in general. At the end of
the education program, it is expected that the participants will develop a better understanding of
local, regional, national as well as international environmental problems; will be able to discuss and
provide alternative solution to global ecological crises; and will take action in their individual lives
towards creating a more sustainable environment for future. The main or purpose of the project
will be to teach natural interactions in an ecosystem. Emphasis will be given to human action that
has been interrupted that interaction and made natural environments less sustainable. Therefore,
particular emphasis will be given to cultural ecology of the protected area and the participants are
expected to develop a thorough understanding of human and environmental interaction.


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