Қазақстан аумағындағы тұзданған жерлердің экологиялық жағдайын бағалау

Қаралымдар: 64 / PDF жүктеулері: 13



Кілт сөздер:

топырақтың сортаңдануы,, биологиялық әртүрлілік, экологиялық факторлар, галофиттер, популяция, құрамдас бөлік, ауылшаруашылығы, қоршаған ортаның деградациясы


One of the main concerns of the modern era is the growth of saline soils in Kazakhstan, and scientists are becoming increasingly interested in land degradation, including the spread of saline soils.

Kazakhstan's soil cover has definitely been impacted by contemporary ecological issues brought about by excessive human activity and the inappropriate usage of natural resources. In all of the Republic's natural zones, the state of the soil cover has gotten worse due to the ecological condition being unstable. The Republic spans 272 million hectares in total. 222 million hectares are used for agriculture, of which 27 million hectares are arable land. Unfavorable ecological conditions have emerged on the republic's agricultural fields.

The southern regions of Kazakhstan have a climate that is marked by extreme drought. Therefore, unsuitable soil cover prevails on such territory. According to the scheme of natural and agricultural zoning of the land fund of the Kazakhstan Republic, the region of deserts within the structural and accumulator plain of the Northern Aral Sea region is composed of the districts of Syrdarya and the Aral Sea. A map of soil salinization on the territory of Kazakhstan was made. According to the data, saline soils in the area of Kyzylorda oblast currently account for 85% of the obla's entire land area (20.3 million hectares) almost (22.6 million hectares) of saline. Cartographic materials on Kazakhstan's salinized soils were taken under consideration for this study. It was discovered that Kazakhstan's central and southern regions are largely covered in saline soils.



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