Assessment of the ecological state of ground and surface waters of Central Kazakhstan

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  • S. Shamshedenova
  • R. Beisenova



The article shows the change in the chemical composition of river water under the influence
of anthropogenic factors. Anthropogenic pollution of water bodies and deterioration of water quality in the
Karaganda region is due to the collection of groundwater and the leakage of polluted wastewater into surface
water. Given the impact of sources of pollution of water resources, the quality of rivers in the region is ensured
for river basins. Kazgidromet of the Karaganda region informs environmentalists about the pollution of the
river with manganese. In particular, the deterioration of surface waters was observed in the rivers Nura, Sokir,
Sherubay-Nura, Kara-Kengir. In addition, data collected at Kazgidromet stations were analyzed. It was found that manganese is stable in water bodies and is present in other bodies of water in the region. For example, it
turned out that there were no industrial enterprises on the Kokpekty River, but manganese on the Kokpekty River
exceeded the maximum concentration. To determine the total number of microorganisms in hydrobiological
studies, four water samples were taken from the village of Kievka. They are located from the well of the main
street in the western part of the village, the drinking water of the Altyn Dan kindergarten, the drinking water of
the secondary school and the school well.


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